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Flood 大发888dafa: What 首页owners Need to Know

作为房主,很自然地会认为洪水造成的损失在你的房主政策中. There are cases in which this is correct, at least to some degree. If lightning strikes 和 causes water to pour through your roof, 例如, that is typically covered by your existing policy. 然而, if torrential rains cause rising water to flood your basement, that is not covered by a traditional homeowners policy.

居住在中等或低风险地区的房主可能会选择放弃洪水大发888dafa, but looking at the statistics, this may not be the best choice. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (联邦应急管理局), just an inch of water can cause up to $25,000 worth of damage to your home, 20%的洪水索赔是在低到中等洪水风险地区提出的.1,2

在本指南中, 我们将回顾你需要知道的,并介绍一些基本的技巧,以保护你的财产免受大自然母亲可能会有的伤害.

Determining Your Flood Risk

你可能会意识到你生活在高风险、中等风险或低风险的洪水地区. But what do those terms actually mean?


生活在高风险地区意味着你居住的地区每年至少有1%的几率会发生洪水. 这听起来不多,但这确实意味着你和你的大发888dafa公司需要考虑到这一点. Over a long enough timeline, the unlikely becomes inevitable. 住在高风险地区意味着你的抵押贷款机构需要购买洪水大发888dafa.2

Moderate- 和 Low-Risk Areas

生活在中等到低风险地区意味着每年发生洪水的可能性更小. While flood insurance isn’t required, it is recommended.


In some areas, flood mapping hasn’t been conducted. Even though there isn’t any information, 如果你住在这些地区,我们仍然建议你购买洪水大发888dafa,以进一步保护你的财产.

How Do You Obtain Flood 大发888dafa?

洪水大发888dafa通过国家洪水大发888dafa计划(NFIP)提供. While you can obtain coverage through your insurance agent, flood policies are backed by the federal government.

When you purchase a flood insurance policy, 在你的大发888dafa生效之前通常有30天的等待期. 值得注意的例外情况是,如果你已经增加或修改了你的抵押贷款,你的洪水大发888dafa是你抵押贷款的一部分, 或者在续保期间修改现有的洪水大发888dafa单.3

就像其他类型的大发888dafa一样,你的洪水大发888dafa单每年更新一次. 如果您取消保单,您将在保单到期后的30天内继续享有大发888dafa. 然而, if you incur any losses during this time frame, 如果你在30天的宽限期届满之前支付并续期你的洪水大发888dafa,这些大发888dafa将被覆盖.

Flood 大发888dafa for 首页owners


作为房主,你需要一份涵盖你的房子和里面所有东西的大发888dafa. Commonly referred to as structure 和 belongings coverage, 这种类型的大发888dafa需要单独购买,每份保单都有单独的免赔额. Residential properties can be insured for up to $250,000 for the structure 和 belongings can be insured for up to $100,000. If you live in a low-risk flood area, 询问你的大发888dafa代理人是否有折扣的大发888dafa费率.3

如果你住在洪水高风险地区以外,想要购买洪水大发888dafa, NFIP有一个优先风险政策(PRP),它将把你的财产大发888dafa和财产大发888dafa合并到一个政策中. 然而, each type of coverage still has separate deductibles that must be met.

Flood 大发888dafa for 业务es

Commercial flood insurance is much more extensive. 政策包括建筑物、内部设备、库存,甚至建筑物的基础. 就像房主的大发888dafa一样,建筑和财产大发888dafa是分开购买的. You can insure your business for up to $500,000 for the building 和 up to $500,000 for the contents inside the building.3

What to Do Before a Flood

You can’t control when or how disaster will strike, 但你可以采取先发制人的措施,帮助你在洪水到达家门口之前做好准备.

Step #1: Confirm Your Flood Risk

即使你认为你知道洪水对你的财产有多大的风险,仔细检查一下也无妨. 洪水地图服务中心允许您输入您的地址并确认最新的洪水风险信息. You can also confirm this information with your insurance agent.

Step #2: Purchase a Flood 大发888dafa Policy

我们往往只在灾难迫在眉睫时才考虑洪水大发888dafa之类的事情. 不幸的是,如果一场大风暴正向你袭来,那么购买大发888dafa可能就太晚了. 与你的大发888dafa代理人合作,检查一下你目前的大发888dafa范围,以确保你得到了适当的保护.

Step #3: Conduct a 首页 Inventory

一般来说,对所有家庭用品做一个完整的清单是明智之举. 一份带有照片的书面清单有助于遗产规划和其他大发888dafa政策, 和, 当然, it will come in h和y should you experience loss due to flooding.

Step #4: Keep Your Documents Safe

Protect important documents by storing them in a safe place. In addition to storing physical copies off-site, keep digital copies, which will help ensure that if you’re dealing with flood losses, you have everything you need. Keep all your important documents in a waterproof safe.
This includes documents such as:

  • 护照
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • 离婚文件
  • 收养文件
  • 医学论文
  • 大发888dafa documents

Step #5: Prepare Your 首页 for a Flood

While you can't waterproof your basement against the dangers of floodwaters, you can install a water alarm to alert you to any potential water damage. It’s also a good idea to install a sump pump, complete with a backup generator, to keep it running in case the power goes out. 保持排水沟的清洁也可以帮助雨水从你的房子转移,防止任何类型的积水在你的屋顶上聚集.

If a flood is imminent, 如果安全的话,把你的物品和家具搬到家里最高的地方. 然而,请记住,在洪水中,你的人身安全是最重要的.

While you can't control the weather, 你可以通过购买合适的洪水大发888dafa来保护你的房屋和财产. 洪水大发888dafa是一项由联邦政府支持的计划,涵盖了你的房主政策所没有涵盖的内容. 今天就和你的大发888dafa代理人谈谈,确保你有这个重要的大发888dafa范围, long before disaster strikes.

1. FloodSmart.政府,2022
2. 联邦应急管理局.政府,2022
3. NationalFlood大发888dafa.org, 2022

内容的来源被认为是提供准确的信息. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 有关您个人情况的具体信息,请咨询法律或税务专业人士. 本材料由消费品套件开发和制作,旨在提供有关您可能感兴趣的主题的信息. 消费品, 有限责任公司, is not affiliated with the named 经纪自营商, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed 和 material provided are for general information, 并且不应被视为购买或出售任何证券的招揽. 版权 消费品套件.

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